About Me

Digital Communications Professional

My passion for communication has stemmed from many things including learning multiple languages at a young age. My digital communications support helps people and their organizations communicate more effectively and thoroughly with their communities and audiences through my business, Dyecasting LLC.

Disability Advocate

I’ve been chronically ill since I was 8 years old and over a decade later I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, Migraine, and Functional Neurological Disorder. I work to raise awareness of dynamic disabilities and invisible illnesses like my own as the cofounder of an Italian podcast and online community called “Ma Non Sembri Malata“.

Where to find me

When I’m not doing any of the above, you’ll probably find me reading a book, creating some form of art, or attempting to keep my cats from putting their paws in my tea when I’m not looking. You can find me on the internet here or you can contact me here.

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